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Salgspris29,95 kr Normalpris99,95 kr
Varenummer: 26101

Conzept Silikonelåg er perfekte for både dig, din økonomi og for planeten. De består af miljøvenlig silikone som holder dine skåle og opbevaringsbokse tætte. Det er et sundere, billigere og nemmere alternativ til husfilm. Og så kan den genanvendes. De kan sagtesn gå i opvaskemaskinen, fryseren, ovnen og mikroovnen. Tåler (-40 til +230 grader).

Pakken indeholder følgende størrelser: 21 cm, 16,5 cm 14,5 cm, 11,5 cm, 9,5 cm og 6,5 cm diamter. De er dog ret fleksible.

Lågene er det miljørigtige valg, når det kommer til at gemme dine rester. Fordi de er så solide og kan genanvendes mange gange sparer du en masse penge på husholdningsfilm. Det er både godt for dig og miljøet.- you'll be amazed at how long they'll last. They won't tear or warp like your standard wraps or storage containers.

KEEP FRESH FOOD AND LEFTOVERS FRESH - Cover that large salad you've made yourself. Use half a can and save the rest for later. Cut half and pineapple or watermelon and don't worry about the rest going bad in the fridge. Stop your smoothie from spilling out its jar in the car. These stretchy food savers have a universal fit to suit wide range of bowls cups mugs cans jars and pots of all shapes and sizes to keep your food as fresh as you are.

SUPER EASY TO USE - Forget about wrapping plastic around your bowl trying to get it to stick or trying to find the missing lid to match the container in your kitchen cupboard. Grab a lid and stretch it on. With six sizes to choose from these beauties will cling to almost any dish jar fruit vegetable small or large to provide a hygienic air tight seal. Our clear instalids let you see what's inside from a glance eliminating food waste at the back of the refrigerator.

På lager
CONZEPT SILIKONE LÅG 6 STK ASS STR Salgspris29,95 kr Normalpris99,95 kr